"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
Lot of drama is going on for the last two weeks with the sudden hike in petrol prices. Government is continuously saying that they’ve reached a level where the subsidies are unbearable and also oil companies are running in huge losses. Well, what it means to a common man, I mean, subsidies and all the stuff. Is government is subsidizing fuel heavily and state owned oil companies are running in huge losses. Let us discuss,
I want to share my Facebook status over here regarding petrol prices...
Now the on-going major economic problem that
india is facing is not the inflation, as we got used to that, but it is the
depreciation of rupee. I think I don’t need to explain who will benefit more
with that and who will lose more. For those who don’t know, in simple terms, if
a currency value is depreciated the importers will suffer more and the
exporters will gain more. I just wanted to discuss the indian rupee devaluation
history before getting into the current depreciation of rupee a...
Hallucination of seeing Mahatma Gandhi and talking to him happens not only with Munnabhai but also with many Business Managers. There are some “Business Ethics” in his instigations. Corporate Gandhiji is a new dimension to study.
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All corporate managers processes some common aims-
-Should be on par with by the “Fortune Global” company.
-Reached a billion dollars turnover.
-Provision of employment to 25000 people every year.
-Should be recognized as a ...
How does stock market operate????
This is the question posed by myself to me, many times. It is a Greek and Latin for many of us, even me. Still I don’t have the good clarity on this topic. But I felt that many of you have the same problem in understanding the stock markets. So I want to share the views of mine on the stock markets, up to my knowledge. But please keep it in mind that the things you are going to read are the views of me only, not the exhaustive report. Let us start from ve...
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