"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
Nokia had finally unveiled a Handset which is loaded with ‘the most popular’ OS on earth, Android. The move seems to be strange one when you consider the fact that Nokia has been sold to Microsoft and that deal will be completed by this quarter end. Android may be the most popular OS, but, WHY NOW? To understand it completely, I need to dig into history a bit, bear with me.
PC sales have been declining for the last few quarters; if Microsoft sticks with its desktop business alone, it wi...
Subprime is the cause of USA Economy slow down. It is the very popular news among everyone and it is become very serious then expected. It caused more damage to all the industries especially Banking, Insurance and Automobile sectors. Subprime crisis caused big loss to the banks and now it is affecting the other industries like Auto Mobile companies (GM, Ford, etc.). In this blog I will write about what exactly is the Subprime crisis and why USA banks created such a big mistake in their era. ...
Basel norms, Basel committee, Basel committee on Banking Supervision.. blah.. blah.. blah. The one who has studied MBA, of course PGDM, would have definitely heard of those words irrespective of the streams they have opted for. But the people who are into the banking/finance would have definitely studied about those norms. Even though I have opted for Finance specialization, I didn’t come across those norms in my course curriculum, yet. For the people like me, who wants to know about Basel ...
What's the fastest route to economic development? Welcome foreign direct investment (FDI), says China, and most policy experts agree. But a comparison with long-time laggard India suggests that FDI is not the only path to prosperity. Indeed, India's homegrown entrepreneurs may give it a long-term advantage over a China hamstrung by inefficient banks and capital markets.
Walk into any Wal-Mart and you won't be surprised to see the shelves sagging with Chinese-made goods-everything from shoes an...
How does stock market operate????
This is the question posed by myself to me, many times. It is a Greek and Latin for many of us, even me. Still I don’t have the good clarity on this topic. But I felt that many of you have the same problem in understanding the stock markets. So I want to share the views of mine on the stock markets, up to my knowledge. But please keep it in mind that the things you are going to read are the views of me only, not the exhaustive report. Let us start from ve...
In the initial days of my first semester, once my professor asked us, as a management students you people should know about management think tanks, then he asked about an Indian management guru who recently passed away, very few of my classmates answered, and I am not one among them, I know only Mani Ratnam’s Guru movie, so I got curiosity to know about the Indians who are the leading management gurus in the country. I found something very interesting “C K Prahalad”
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