"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
Politics or political views have never been my cup of tea, but this time i, at least, want to grab some other’s cup for time being. After all, we live in India, where stupidity is the only qualification for politics, in which i can pass in distinction. Moreover, the topic i want to deal with is not just political issues and it is more to economical one.
‘Aap ka paisa, aapke haath’, was the phrase coined by UPA govt indicating the mechanism of Direct Cash Transfer scheme.
Does Overhyped ...
Indian financial system:
What exactly the Indian financial system. It is a very vast concept, it includes the many things which will take years to complete. I want to give brief introduction about indian financial system, up to my knowledge. Indian financial system basically includes the financial markets, financial instruments and financial intermediation. And those are further classified. Let us see the flavor of financial system……..
Financial markets:
As you know market is a place...
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