"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS or NREGS in short) is undoubtedly one of the most debated social welfare scheme in India, and it is not surprising given its magnitude. From the time it helped UPA to win 2009 elections to the time when Modi called it as ‘living monumental failure of congress’, it has not failed to hit the headlines. So the real question is, when NDA/Modi hates NREGS, why they have continued it instead of shelving it. In fact, on contrary,...
Inflation, Repo Rate, Credit policy, GDP et cetera are becoming fancy terms among public. Of course, they are fancy and I am not denying with that. For those who don’t know all those fancy terms, Inflation means the rate at which your money loses its value (Don’t go for bookish definition, it took a semester for me to understand that, yes, I was slow). Higher the value of inflation, faster the eradication in the value of money takes place. Here, my question, is it a good thing or a bad th...
You must been heard of rupee’s steep fall in the last few days or weeks. The question that must be posed is, what it means to a common man. Of course, every macro-economic, overall economic environment, change has an impact on every citizen of its country; India is no exception for that. Well, we’ll go through the reasons for the fall, implications of falling currency and the possible solutions to control the falling rupee.
There is a saying in Hindu mythology, “there are 1...
What's the fastest route to economic development? Welcome foreign direct investment (FDI), says China, and most policy experts agree. But a comparison with long-time laggard India suggests that FDI is not the only path to prosperity. Indeed, India's homegrown entrepreneurs may give it a long-term advantage over a China hamstrung by inefficient banks and capital markets.
Walk into any Wal-Mart and you won't be surprised to see the shelves sagging with Chinese-made goods-everything from shoes an...
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