"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
Inflation, Repo Rate, Credit policy, GDP et cetera are becoming fancy terms among public. Of course, they are fancy and I am not denying with that. For those who don’t know all those fancy terms, Inflation means the rate at which your money loses its value (Don’t go for bookish definition, it took a semester for me to understand that, yes, I was slow). Higher the value of inflation, faster the eradication in the value of money takes place. Here, my question, is it a good thing or a bad th...
Most of you know that our tax system is going to replaced by Direct Tax Code (DTC), sooner or later. I just tried to understand what it means to the common man and the others and im sharing the details to my understanding level. First of all, I want to make it clear that, DTC is not another amendment for the existing taxation system, but it is completely new one. In simple words, DTC is going to replace of Income Tax Act, 1961. In other way, most of the auditors’ knowledge will get outdated...
Hallucination of seeing Mahatma Gandhi and talking to him happens not only with Munnabhai but also with many Business Managers. There are some “Business Ethics” in his instigations. Corporate Gandhiji is a new dimension to study.
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All corporate managers processes some common aims-
-Should be on par with by the “Fortune Global” company.
-Reached a billion dollars turnover.
-Provision of employment to 25000 people every year.
-Should be recognized as a ...
Indus valley civilization, which flourished between 2800 BC and 1800 BC, had an advanced and flourishing economic system. The Indus valley people practiced agriculture, domesticated animals, made tools and weapons from copper, bronze and tin and even traded with some Middle East countries.
Agriculture was the main economic activity of the people in the Vedic age but with the second urbanization a number of urban centers grew in North India. This gave a major fillip to trade and commerce....
Yesterday night, I was watching the movie Wall Street: Money never sleeps and I came across a term Tulip mania. I was curious about that word because the world famous character Gordon Gekko was saying something about that, as usual I didn’t understand much just like my engineering classes. So for a change instead of facebook, I googled Tulip mania and I came across lot of interesting information.
Whenever we come across the word depression or speculative b...
It is quite obvious to get the question “who benefited the most by the economic reforms done in India whether the poor or the rich”. One might think after 20 years, almost, of liberalization India. It is a very difficult issue to conclude to one point. Let us see the things happened and the economic development that India made after 20 years of liberalization.
According to the recent statistics India is the eleventh largest nation in the world according to the value of nominal GDP with ...
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