"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
LOST DECADE… I heard this term for the first when Raghu Vasu, CEO of trandyne technologies asked us about it. I was the one among the several numb people who didn’t know what it deals with. So I searched for it and gathered some data. The following article is related to the LOST DECADE of JAPAN.
Here we go,
The period from 1990-2000 of Japan economy is considered to be a lost decade. Sometimes the decade of 2000s also referred to be a part of lost decades. To understand why it is called...
Basel norms, Basel committee, Basel committee on Banking Supervision.. blah.. blah.. blah. The one who has studied MBA, of course PGDM, would have definitely heard of those words irrespective of the streams they have opted for. But the people who are into the banking/finance would have definitely studied about those norms. Even though I have opted for Finance specialization, I didn’t come across those norms in my course curriculum, yet. For the people like me, who wants to know about Basel ...
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