"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS or NREGS in short) is undoubtedly one of the most debated social welfare scheme in India, and it is not surprising given its magnitude. From the time it helped UPA to win 2009 elections to the time when Modi called it as ‘living monumental failure of congress’, it has not failed to hit the headlines. So the real question is, when NDA/Modi hates NREGS, why they have continued it instead of shelving it. In fact, on contrary,...
Nokia had finally unveiled a Handset which is loaded with ‘the most popular’ OS on earth, Android. The move seems to be strange one when you consider the fact that Nokia has been sold to Microsoft and that deal will be completed by this quarter end. Android may be the most popular OS, but, WHY NOW? To understand it completely, I need to dig into history a bit, bear with me.
PC sales have been declining for the last few quarters; if Microsoft sticks with its desktop business alone, it wi...
Inflation, Repo Rate, Credit policy, GDP et cetera are becoming fancy terms among public. Of course, they are fancy and I am not denying with that. For those who don’t know all those fancy terms, Inflation means the rate at which your money loses its value (Don’t go for bookish definition, it took a semester for me to understand that, yes, I was slow). Higher the value of inflation, faster the eradication in the value of money takes place. Here, my question, is it a good thing or a bad th...
Politics or political views have never been my cup of tea, but this time i, at least, want to grab some other’s cup for time being. After all, we live in India, where stupidity is the only qualification for politics, in which i can pass in distinction. Moreover, the topic i want to deal with is not just political issues and it is more to economical one.
‘Aap ka paisa, aapke haath’, was the phrase coined by UPA govt indicating the mechanism of Direct Cash Transfer scheme.
Does Overhyped ...
Lot of drama is going on for the last two weeks with the sudden hike in petrol prices. Government is continuously saying that they’ve reached a level where the subsidies are unbearable and also oil companies are running in huge losses. Well, what it means to a common man, I mean, subsidies and all the stuff. Is government is subsidizing fuel heavily and state owned oil companies are running in huge losses. Let us discuss,
I want to share my Facebook status over here regarding petrol prices...
You must been heard of rupee’s steep fall in the last few days or weeks. The question that must be posed is, what it means to a common man. Of course, every macro-economic, overall economic environment, change has an impact on every citizen of its country; India is no exception for that. Well, we’ll go through the reasons for the fall, implications of falling currency and the possible solutions to control the falling rupee.
There is a saying in Hindu mythology, “there are 1...
Most of you know that our tax system is going to replaced by Direct Tax Code (DTC), sooner or later. I just tried to understand what it means to the common man and the others and im sharing the details to my understanding level. First of all, I want to make it clear that, DTC is not another amendment for the existing taxation system, but it is completely new one. In simple words, DTC is going to replace of Income Tax Act, 1961. In other way, most of the auditors’ knowledge will get outdated...
You might have observed the first trade deficit (in first quarter of 2010) of China in the last seven years. Why has it happened?
Does the rapid growth of China will come to an end soon?
Will Chinese goods be no longer cheaper?
May be, it can happen in very near future. If you want to know why it is so, and what is happening with china just read this article. I felt the CURRENCY WAR IN CHINA would be the well suited title for this article. You’ll understand same by the end of this articl...
Subprime is the cause of USA Economy slow down. It is the very popular news among everyone and it is become very serious then expected. It caused more damage to all the industries especially Banking, Insurance and Automobile sectors. Subprime crisis caused big loss to the banks and now it is affecting the other industries like Auto Mobile companies (GM, Ford, etc.). In this blog I will write about what exactly is the Subprime crisis and why USA banks created such a big mistake in their era. ...
Now the on-going major economic problem that
india is facing is not the inflation, as we got used to that, but it is the
depreciation of rupee. I think I don’t need to explain who will benefit more
with that and who will lose more. For those who don’t know, in simple terms, if
a currency value is depreciated the importers will suffer more and the
exporters will gain more. I just wanted to discuss the indian rupee devaluation
history before getting into the current depreciation of rupee a...
LOST DECADE… I heard this term for the first when Raghu Vasu, CEO of trandyne technologies asked us about it. I was the one among the several numb people who didn’t know what it deals with. So I searched for it and gathered some data. The following article is related to the LOST DECADE of JAPAN.
Here we go,
The period from 1990-2000 of Japan economy is considered to be a lost decade. Sometimes the decade of 2000s also referred to be a part of lost decades. To understand why it is called...
Are you the one among the millions of people who wants to work in United States to bring some dollars to your own country? Then, think twice.. if not act wise.. Just read the article, you’ll come to know what those two statements mean to you…
United States, a paradise for millions non-Americans, is now suffering from the problem which it hasn’t dreamt of. That is the debt. American debt value is more than that of any country’s GDP, even United States’. The growth rate of American d...
THIRD WORLD DEBT CRISIS, I think many haven’t heard of this as I didn’t till last week. It is not the 3rd debt crisis that the world has faced (to be precise facing), as the name suggests, but it is the crisis of the third world nations. Seriously, there is a very interesting story, at least I felt it is interesting, behind the world debt crisis. We need to go back to the Second World War time to get good understanding about the roots of this crisis.
The story begins…..;)
?Basel norms, Basel committee, Basel committee on Banking Supervision.. blah.. blah.. blah. The one who has studied MBA, of course PGDM, would have definitely heard of those words irrespective of the streams they have opted for. But the people who are into the banking/finance would have definitely studied about those norms. Even though I have opted for Finance specialization, I didn’t come across those norms in my course curriculum, yet. For the people like me, who wants to know about Basel ...
What's the fastest route to economic development? Welcome foreign direct investment (FDI), says China, and most policy experts agree. But a comparison with long-time laggard India suggests that FDI is not the only path to prosperity. Indeed, India's homegrown entrepreneurs may give it a long-term advantage over a China hamstrung by inefficient banks and capital markets.
Walk into any Wal-Mart and you won't be surprised to see the shelves sagging with Chinese-made goods-everything from shoes an...
Hallucination of seeing Mahatma Gandhi and talking to him happens not only with Munnabhai but also with many Business Managers. There are some “Business Ethics” in his instigations. Corporate Gandhiji is a new dimension to study.
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All corporate managers processes some common aims-
-Should be on par with by the “Fortune Global” company.
-Reached a billion dollars turnover.
-Provision of employment to 25000 people every year.
-Should be recognized as a ...
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