"It should not escape notice that gold and silver after circulating in every other quarter of the globe, come at length to be absorbed in Hinduston"
~Francois Bernier
THIRD WORLD DEBT CRISIS, I think many haven’t heard of this as I didn’t till last week. It is not the 3rd debt crisis that the world has faced (to be precise facing), as the name suggests, but it is the crisis of the third world nations. Seriously, there is a very interesting story, at least I felt it is interesting, behind the world debt crisis. We need to go back to the Second World War time to get good understanding about the roots of this crisis.
The story begins…..;)
?Basel norms, Basel committee, Basel committee on Banking Supervision.. blah.. blah.. blah. The one who has studied MBA, of course PGDM, would have definitely heard of those words irrespective of the streams they have opted for. But the people who are into the banking/finance would have definitely studied about those norms. Even though I have opted for Finance specialization, I didn’t come across those norms in my course curriculum, yet. For the people like me, who wants to know about Basel ...
What's the fastest route to economic development? Welcome foreign direct investment (FDI), says China, and most policy experts agree. But a comparison with long-time laggard India suggests that FDI is not the only path to prosperity. Indeed, India's homegrown entrepreneurs may give it a long-term advantage over a China hamstrung by inefficient banks and capital markets.
Walk into any Wal-Mart and you won't be surprised to see the shelves sagging with Chinese-made goods-everything from shoes an...
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